Proxmox VM Creation Documentation

This documentation outlines the steps taken to create a virtual machine (VM) in Proxmox using a Python script with the Proxmox API. It also includes instructions for generating a user in Proxmo

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. User Generation in Proxmox
  3. Python Script for VM Creation
  4. Key Components of the Script
  5. Running the Script
  6. Troubleshooting


  • A running Proxmox server.
  • Python 3.x installed on your machine.
  • Required Python libraries:
  pip install proxmoxer

2.User Generation in Proxmox

To create a user in Proxmox, follow these steps:

1.Log in to the Proxmox Web Interface.

2.Navigate to Datacenter:

  • Click on the “Datacenter” in the left sidebar.

3.Create a User:

  • Go to the “Permissions” tab.
  • Click on “Users”.
  • Click on “Add” to create a new user.
  • Fill in the required fields:
    • User ID: username@pve
    • Password: Set a strong password.
    • Realm: Select PVE (Proxmox VE).
  • Click “Add” to save the user.

4.Assign Permissions:

  • Go to the “Permissions” tab.
  • Click on “Add” to assign permissions to the user.
  • Select the user and assign the appropriate role (e.g., PVEAdmin).

Command-Line User Creation

You can also create a user via the command line:

pveum useradd username@pve --password your_password

Assign permissions:

pveum acl add / -user username@pve -role PVEAdmin

3.Python Script for VM Creation

The following Python script creates a VM in Proxmox using the Proxmox API:

import paramiko
from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI
import time

Proxmox connection details

PROXMOX_USER = “username@pve”
PROXMOX_PASSWORD = “your_password”
NODE = “pve1”

VM configuration

VM_NAME = “lubuntu-vm”
MEMORY = 2048 # in MB
DISK_SIZE = “20G” # Just the size
ISO = “local:iso/ubuntu-desktop.iso” # Corrected ISO path

Connect to Proxmox API

proxmox = ProxmoxAPI(PROXMOX_HOST, user=PROXMOX_USER, password=PROXMOX_PASSWORD, verify_ssl=False)

def create_vm():
# Find the next available VM ID
vmid = max([vm[‘vmid’] for vm in proxmox.nodes(NODE).qemu.get()]) + 1
except ValueError:
vmid = 100 # Default starting VM ID

# Correctly format the disk path
disk_name = "local-lvm"
disk_path = f"{disk_name}:vm-{vmid}-disk-0"  # Correct format without illegal characters

# Create the VM
    ide2=ISO,  # Use the validated ISO path
    virtio0=disk_path,  # Use the correctly formatted disk specification
    ostype='l26',  # Linux 2.6/3.x/4.x/5.x
print(f"VM {VM_NAME} created with ID {vmid}")

# Wait for the VM to be accessible
time.sleep(10)  # Adjust as necessary
if name == "main":

4.Key Components of the Script

  • Proxmox Connection: Connects to the Proxmox API using the provided credentials.
  • VM Configuration: Sets the VM name, memory, CPU cores, disk size, and ISO path.
  • VM Creation: Uses the Proxmox API to create the VM with the specified parameters.

5.Running the Script

To run the script, execute the following command in your terminal:

python network_infra/


  • Invalid ISO Path: Ensure the ISO path is correctly formatted as storage_name:iso_path.
  • Disk Specification Errors: Ensure the disk path is formatted as storage_name:vm-id-disk-0.
  • User Permissions: Ensure the user has the necessary permissions to create VMs.

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MD Shakeel
MD Shakeel
Articles: 7

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